Small Medium and Large Learning

Working full time with large companies is a beautiful experience. Compensation and benefits aside often we look past the skills and nuance learnings that we can take away from each job. Here are a few things I've taken away from each of my roles.

Large corporations
These are the guys that have big names that your friends and family have probably have heard of. There are lots of smart people that work at these companies and they have a deep understanding of their industry knowledge. The processes at these companies are baked in and usually run like well oiled machines. Large companies are full of super smart people that are great to learn from. Polishing your skills, becoming an expert in design, and improve the pace. These are great building blocks to take with you forever. 

Working for a startup is fun and scary at the same time.  The idea is awesome, but will the doors stay open long enough to pay my mortgage? Small companies have energy like no other. The excitement alone is contagious. The founders and early employees have stumbled upon a problem to be solved and work night and day to solve it. The company antics are fast and quick. Often process is too cumbersome and gets in the way. The teams mesh well and are able to crank small chunks of new software at a rapid pace. It is an experience like no other, people value your work and your input. 

Founding a company
You have industry knowledge and know how to build software. You have an idea and you think it's the best thing ever. There is a little money in the bank and you are ready to take that risk. Diving straight into this is a challenge like no other. The startup is your life and all consuming. When you start you think you have all of the answers, but you gladly take input from friends and mentors. Your faith is in your employees and you do anything you can to make for sure they are taken care of first.  This really is your baby, and the reality is chances of it living are small. When you find out things aren't working fail fast and learn from it. Realizing that pivoting your thoughts and ideas or closing the doors isn't a bad thing. You gave it your best shot. 

Where am I now?
Now I am working as a consultant of design and user experience. All of the above takeaways I cherish and re-use frequently. This has been a 500 foot view of the progression of my career. Keeping in touch with prior contacts at previous roles has been a great asset. I look forward to new experiences and projects that will come my way such as the Toptal User Experience Network. Being a consultant allows a great mix of startup as well as large company projects. The best of both worlds.